Hey, I’m Christian, or Chris.
Currently a senior at DePaul, getting my Bachelor’s in Computer Science soon. My degree concentrates in game systems, and what that ultimately means is that the programming that I learn focuses heavily on optimized techniques and scalable systems because games require both of these things. I think some people may not realize the expertise required for them, but they have really taught me to appreciate game developers and although I aspire to be one, I believe my skills are usable in any field where programming is necessary.
I’d say my specialty is C++ and I’ve worked deeply to understand how games and programs work from complete scratch, from the lowest level of DirectX or OpenGL communication you can get with a modern PC. The rendering pipeline is a very facinating and complex thing that I could never say I have completely mastered, but I am very experienced with it at this point. I also am familiar with Unity, Godot, and Unreal (UEFN) and have contributed largely in a few group projects you can find here along with my solo projects.